About Belvoir Media Group

Recognized and respected for its publications and partnerships, Belvoir Media Group is a leading provider of reader-focused, content-driven periodicals, books, and digital media.

Addressing the need for reliable and responsible intelligence in today’s information age, Belvoir Media Group’s publications offer readers accessible, affordable, and above all, authoritative guidance on a broad range of interests and endeavors.

In conjunction with institutions including Harvard Medical School, Cleveland Clinic, Duke Medicine, and UCLA Medical Center, Belvoir delivers targeted health and wellness news and guidance to millions of readers each month. Through its many newsletters and magazines, as well as books, special reports, and online services, Belvoir brings a growing audience of health-conscious adults timely and useful instruction and direction.

In addition, Belvoir Media Group serves a wide spectrum of active and involved readers whose interests range from flying and sailing to pet owning, and organic living. Providing expert and unbiased insight, each Belvoir enthusiast publication and website is a trusted resource for a loyal and passionate readership.

With an informed understanding of its readers and a dynamic commitment to its partners, Belvoir Media Group offers each a culture of excellence, experience, and reward.